Akira Mayer - Sponsor Now

Akira Mayer

Location Thailand - Akha House of Light

Age 10

Nickname Noom

Grade 3

Gender Female

Hobbies Drawing & painting

Favorite game/sport Jump rope

Future career Teacher

My story I came from Burma, and I am not currently a Thai citizen. I have two older sisters: Anada (Mimi) and Ananya (Titi). The reason why we moved and need shelter elsewhere is because the effect from the internal war in Burma. Back in Burma, my family believed in animism, and I don’t know Jesus personally but I’m looking forward to learning more about Him. My mother is still alive and living in Burma while my father has gone to the war fighting against the Burmese government. We haven't heard from him in a long time, and we don’t know if he is still alive. In addition, I have two more younger brothers who still live with my mother; one is about one year old and another one is about four months old. My mother sent us here hoping that we would have a better opportunity in life.