Erikambatlu Center - Sponsor Now

Erikambatlu Center

Location India - It's A Girl

Number of children at the center 14

Center Story Located is a very remote region, the people this center serves are mainly agricultural laborers working for less than $2 a day. It is common for babies to be born underweight and anemic because the women often do not have access to enough food during their pregnancy. Baby Dathri was brought to the center by her grandmother when the family realized she was sick and they could not afford to provide for her. Each morning when she dropped her off, Dathri’s grandma would ask the staff questions about Jesus and eventually, she gave her life to Christ. She died shortly after her baptism and the village was shocked when the family insisted they honor her with a Christian burial, instead of the traditional Hindu cremation. The faithful testimony of this grandmother continues to draw many people to the center.

Pastor and Caretaker Pastor Devaraj & Latha