Anucha Yaebiang - Sponsor Now

Anucha Yaebiang

Location Thailand - Akha House of Light

Age 12

Grade 8

Gender Male

Hobbies Playing soccer

Favorite game/sport Soccer

Future career Soldier

My story I was born in a Christian village. I have not accepted Jesus as my Savior yet because I do not know Him well, but I want to know Jesus more. I have 4 siblings and I am the third child. I came to live at the children's home with my older brother Preecha. I don't remember both of my parents’ faces very well because they are both gone. My brothers said that my father and mother died after my youngest brother was born. My older brothers have become my parents. My family has nothing to eat and has no money to buy food or for paying for our school. This is the reason why we have come and live at House of Light.