Puthur Center - Sponsor Now

Puthur Center

Location India - It's A Girl

Number of children at the center 14

Center Story Puthur is a village known for its stone quarries. Most of the laborers were exploited by wealthy quarry owners after taking high-interest loans they are unable to pay back. Occasionally a human rights organization will try to rescue these indentured families, but a mafia-like group, more powerful than even the police, makes help nearly impossible. It was not hard for Pastor Caleb to convince these desperate families to send their malnourished baby girls to the center. These babies are typically left to themselves as their parents cut stones under the blazing sun for 8 hours a day. The parents, who themselves are weak and hungry, could not be more thankful for the help freely given. Pray for the local church as they meet practical needs and proclaim freedom found in Jesus.

Pastor and Caretaker Pastor Caleb & Rajeswari