Pang Piangchegoo - Sponsor Now

Pang Piangchegoo

Location Thailand - Akha House of Light

Age 12

Nickname May

Grade 6

Gender Female

Hobbies Reading comics

Favorite game/sport Volleyball

Future career Doctor

My story I'm the sixth out of eight children. I love my family very much. My parents work very hard to take good care of us, but it is still not enough because there are so many of us. So a couple of us have to go live in different homes to help them. It is okay though because I will get to see them every Sunday at church and on breaks. Unfortunately, my father was diagnosed with liver failure not long ago which makes him stop from working and makes my oldest sister quit her school to work but it's still not enough. Thankfully Pastor Nut and John took me in so I can continue going to school and meet new friends.